Laura Heinen

english below

Laura beschäftigt sich schon seit vielen Jahren leidenschaftlich mit dem Thema historische Küche – dabei experimentiert sie besonders gerne mit neuen und ihr noch unbekannten Rezepten und Techniken. Mit ihrer Gruppe Sorores Historiae (Facebook) stellt sie Kölner Stadtbewohner des ausgehenden 13. Jahrhunderts dar.

Laura has been passionately involved with historical cuisine for many years – she particularly enjoys experimenting with new and to her unknown recipes and techniques. As part of the group Sorores Historiae (Facebook) she portrays Cologne’s city dwellers of the late 13th century.

Heidnische Kuchen & Agraz based on buoch von guoter spîse (Middle of 14th century)

buoch von guoter spîse

Entstanden in Würzburg um 1350, war es ein Teil des Hausbuches des Michael de Leone und ist das älteste bekannte Kochbuch in deutscher Sprache. Die Rezepte gliedern sich in zwei Teile, welche möglicherweise auf zwei verschiedene Quellen zurückzuführen sind.

buoch von guoter spîse – english

The buoch von guoter spîse was written in Würzburg around 1350 and was part of the house book of Michael de Leone. It is the oldest known cookery book in the German language. The recipes are divided into two parts, which may be due to two different sources.

Heidnische Kuchen – english
  • put 5 peppercorns, 1 teaspoon and 1 bay leaf in a pot of water and let it boil
  • add 400g beef (hip or back) to the water and let it boil for 1-1,5 hours
  • make a dough out of 250g flour, 100g butter, 1 egg and a pinch of salt (add water if needed) and let it cool
  • mince 1 apple and the cooked beef finely
  • mince 2 garlic cloves
  • mix the minced apple, beef and garlic gloves with herbs you like, 100g diced bacon, salt, pepper and 3 eggs for the stuffing
  • roll out the dough and cut it into portions
  • fill the pieces of dough with stuffing and make pockets
  • let it bake for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees
Agraz – english
  • chop 1 apple and cut 200g grapes in half
  • let 250ml of red wine boil and put the cutted fruits in it until they are soft
  • mash the fruits roughly
  • put everything in a cheescloth or sieve and press out the liquid
  • seperate a bit of the liquid an stir 1 teaspoon flour in it
  • let the sauce boil again and add the dissolved flour
  • let it boil until it thickens a bit and season it with pepper